Social Events
Let’s Eat!
Potlucks – Occasional Sundays after Services
Meatless Meal– Not yet reinstated since Covid pandemic – Learning to eat vegetarian fare is about living our values. Was held once a month on the last Saturday of the month.
Dine Around – Hosts provide the main dish for one meal and attend two others. Those who are unable to host may attend one meal. Events can be dinners, brunch, picnics etc.
Social Hour – Immediately following Sunday Service. Coffee, tea and snacks are offered. Seating is available in the social hall, porch, or on the patio.
Lunch Bunch – Every Sunday a restaurant is chosen for the gathering. All are welcome.
Brown Bag Social – 1st Wednesdays at noon.
Discussion Groups
Book Group – Third Wednesday at 1:20
Men’s Coffee Group – Tuesdays 8 AM
Conversation Among Friends – Sundays 9 AM on Zoom
Happy Hour with John Lee ( Universal Zoom Link) Wednesdays at 7 PM
Musical Opportunities
Choir – Thursdays at 6:00 and Sundays at 9:30 for practice during high season. The choir sings during Sunday worship services and a few other events as scheduled. Contact Janet Morrill, Music Director or the UUFCC office (
Cafe’ Serendipity – This is an occasional coffee house that features an open mic opportunity for musicians of all skill levels to experience public performing and to enjoy the talents of fellow participants. Storytellers and aspiring comics are encouraged to contribute as well. Cafe’ Serendipity: “A sweet, welcoming little venue where the jokes are often funny, the stories are true, mostly, and the music is always better than it sounds — where anxious people can get and do what they’ve always known they could do!” No cover charge. 2nd Fridays at 7:00 p.m.
Just For Fun
Family Game Night – TBA
Auctions, Crafts Fairs, Yard Sales and other special events as announced.
Receptions for Exhibiting Artists – Monthy with the change of artshow works