The new auction web site is at which
can be reached by clicking here. When you do so you will something like:

Enter UUFCC:

and then click Submit and you will see the login screen:

and you can login as usual. Your username and password have not changed since last year.

If you have forgotten your username and/or password
click on the link which reads “Click here to get your password.”

If you have never registered for the auction web site
send the office an email to request access. You may do that now by sending them an email.

Once you have logged in you will see a screen similar to:

To access the auction area click on Auctions > My items:

You will then see a screen similar to:

I clicked on the here to donate an item and saw:

I filled this form in as:

I clicked Submit and saw:

I clicked on Review offerings and saw:

I decided 6 people were too many people for us to host. So I wanted to reduce the number of people to four, increase the price and alter the time. So I clicked on Dinner party, made the changes, and saw:

I clicked Submit to save it. Then, to see how it would appear in the auction booklet I clicked on Auctions > All items:

The booklet appeared and I had to scroll down to see my item:

This was just a test item for this documentation so I had to go back to my item and click Delete:

The items in the silent auction work in a very similar way. I won’t go through all of the screen as above, but I will show a portion of the silent auction booklet because that’s where bidding before the auction can take place:

If you click on Bid! you can enter your own bid.

Remember that I will be hosting a ZOOM session every Thursday at 4PM to demo the site and answer any questions you may have.

Also remember that “Bid!” does not appear for items in the Live auction. Those items are bid on on the night of the auction. And items in the Silent auction must be bid on ahead of time – they are not bid on on the night of the auction.

If you have any difficulties you can always email me.

Fred Parmenter
Web Site Developer