It’s Auction Time
Details at WWW.UUFCC.NET
The Online Auction is now LIVE at If you’ve visited this site in the past, but forgot your sign in, there is a link on the site to recover your user name and password.
There will be new items added all the time. You can sign up at the site to be notified when a new event or item has been added. The items are up for a limited time, then the winner will be declared.
We need you to donate! Considering the holidays, baked goods and meals might be particularly helpful. Can you help with gardening or cleaning up outside areas for returning snowbirds? Be creative with your talents. You have them, you know you do.
It’s really easy! Just do it. If you don’t have access, call me at 574-360-9186 or Fred Parmenter ( or call 508-359-2611) and we will be happy to get your item entered.
Don’t forget, Pictures will help sell your item!
We are working on getting this link and info onto the website, too. Here’s all you need to do to donate an item for December, and each month thereafter.
· You will need to go to (note this is not
· After logging in, click on menu item Auction > Biddable items to see what is available. You can donate an item for the auction by clicking on menu item MyStuff > Items. And don’t forget to click on the link notifying you that there are new items for auction.